Croydon Camera Club History: 1890-2000
Preface Introduction The Club Foundation 1809 Soiree 1899 Movies Member Prestige Council Meetings 1903 Founding President Mees Years 1904-12 The Great War Between The Wars Recorded Years Riots! Police! 1931 Edridge Road, 1932 1932 Nudes Ladies and Exhibitions Club Room eviction The Studio: 1933 Cine! Ladies! 1934 Highs and Lows, 1936 A/V, Stag Party, 1937 Freemasonry 1938 Baird Television 1938 War! 1940: Bombed ! Annual Report 1940-41 Making Do 1941 War Ends 1942-5 A War Retrospective Ladies? 1946 Ladies Admitted 1947-8 35mm Slides arrive Struggling 1949 SLF Out! 1949-50 Troubled 1950 Outings 1951 Winter Season 1951 Celebrations Mees Visits Croydon 1955 1956 Nonexistence 1957 1958-1959 1960 More Success 1961 The Darkroom 1961 Frivolity 1962 All Change 1963 1965-1967 Exhibitions 1967 Photeurop 1968 Photeurop 1969 Years 1970-1972 Terra Nova Years 1973 Years 1974-1975 19 Selsdon Road Years 1977-1979 Changes 1980 Friends Meeting House Close the Club 1983 Progress? 1984 Turnaround? 1985 Years 1987-1988 Slow Revival 1989 About Club Outings The Helpers Postscript
The Club Bulletin was further discussed and a budget of £8 was allowed for a duplicated sheet to be produced. This was agreed at a meeting on 10th May 1955 where because of financial restraints medals for awards had had to be purchased without cases! Such however was the control exercised that at the AGM on 30th May the accounts were able to show a surplus of £9 and membership stood at 90.
Stephen Whitaker was elected President and was faced with a requisition to reduce the numbers of Councillors to six and after a long discussion it was agreed to hold a Special General Meeting to alter the rules but there is no record when it took place. It must have done so for later (30 April 1956) it is recorded by "Spacky" that the smaller Council had talked just as long as the larger one!
The Annual Dinner 1955 was cancelled through lack of anyone to organise and in an endeavour to reduce costs alternative premises were sought at 128 George Street where the Club had been from 1904 to 1933. Whilst apparently suitable, there was only a certainty of tenure for two years before the building was due for demolition for road widening and the capital costs for initial improvements at £200 were beyond the Club's finances. The proposed move was abandoned, which prompted Council member John Birchell (joined 7 July 1954) to ask that the Club finances be built up so that in the future any proposed change would not present such a formidable financial obstacle. That Council responded is shown with an increase in membership to 154 in 1962 and a surplus of £183 which laid the foundation for our finances today.
1955 was still a problem time and again the Secretary drew attention to the solving of money matters by achieving a good healthy membership.
The first issue of the Club Bulletin came out in September 1955 and the second in December at a total cost of £5.5.0. against a budget allowance of £4. The Secretary was emphatic that it was a waste of money but Council decided to continue production at £2 per issue to be financed from their own pockets and not general Club funds. Part of the unsound financial state was because only after a member had been elected was a request made for membership fees, and these seemed always to be tardy in coming. In the future all applications were to be accompanied by the membership fee - a system inaugurated at the end of 1956 and lasting to the present time.
A great piece of Croydon superiority arose with a report that Kingston CC were aiming to form a Surrey Photographic Federation. The idea of Kingston being allowed to become a Central Club in Surrey was deprecated, but the Secretary considered there "was no great possibility of Croydon being ousted from a paramount position in view of the exceptional facilities which the Club was able to offer". A statement true enough for the next 10 years but thereafter not the case.
During the Winter Session A. Gregory talked about the "Everest Expedition". January 1956 found the Secretary, A. J. Williams, unable to produce the Club Syllabus (as had been the custom since 1890) and the job was undertaken by Fill Bullock who thus had the distinction of being the first Hon Syllabus Secretary.
By the time the AGM 1956 came round finances were in deficit again and the presenting of a replica of the Dorrett Cup was replaced with a silver spoon on grounds of economy. The Treasurer E. C. Rubie did not wish to stand again and neither did the President S. E. Whitaker. The discussion on finances was heated and divided between those who stated the membership should be increased to raise income, and those who claimed this not possible and the present membership must stump up more money. The increase was to be 10/- to 35/-. The Secretary also stated he would not stand for re-election.
The Director of Adult Education asked for the Club to run the Elementary Photography Course 1956/7 which was likely to produce a welcome £26 income and which in the last year gained us six students but as the Secretary stated he could no longer run the course, the invitation was declined there being no other member willing to take it on.