The Club Archives What are the Club Archives?
Croydon Camera Club was founded in 1890. Apart from photography, one of the Club's major activities has been keeping stuff. All kinds of stuff.
There are original catalogues and calendars listing the proposed evenings activities through years such as 1911. There are details for "The Soiree" in 1899.
There are group photographs of members from 1896 at regular intervals through to the present day. Members proudly display the finest of glass-plate camera equipment. In the club's possession are several boxes of these original glass plates. Some have been reproduced are are displayed on this web site.
Over the decades, proud members have written full histories of the club. These are full of information not only about the club, but also about photography and society at the time. What was it like being a photographer during the War? What were your legal rights? What did it cost to be a member 100 years ago?
Several Club members are famous. Dr Mees worked for the Kodak in the early part of the 20th century as world head of Kodak's Research Department in the USA. Mr Wratten founded the world renowned company producing Wratten Filters. These flters are still in use today. Friese Greene, inventor of the mechanical television for the BBC was an honorary life member. There is much information about these people through out the documents available here. Some, such as the The Mees Album, is unique.Many original photographs are available, both as glass plates and on photographic paper. There are scenes of the 1901 Ladysmith Parade of the Boer War, Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in 1897, as well as scenes of workmen in 1892 repairing the waterworks 300 feet under ground.
What have we done with this material?
Many photographs have been scanned. They are in their original "colours" of sepia, black and white, as well as full colour.
The histories have been scanned and the contents converted to full searchable text. They are included as nearly as complete and unabridged as practicable.Books such as the Mees Album are displayed in their full glory, allowing the reader to turn each page individually as one would view the real paper book. For this, you need to download Microsoft SilverLight for your browser.
Many documents such as early Fixture Lists, hand written Minutes of Meetings, notes and postcards written for Council meetings, have been scanned and are displayed in their original glory.
CopyrightMuch of the material displayed here is unique. If you wish to reference it, please attribute your references to Croydon Camera Club. There are so many items of such unique historical and cultural value, it would be a shame not to allow as many people as possible to see it. Please be responsible and ethical.
Conversely, some items displayed, although old, you may know to be copyrighted to, or need permission from, others. In this case, please inform us, and we will act accordingly. Our intention is to offer the wealth of information held by the Club, for the benefit of all.
Enjoy !
And you can still see the originalsThe extensive archives of the Club are available for research purposes at Croydon Library.