Croydon Camera Club
Croydon Camera Club
Club News

These are the top stories about Croydon Camera Club and the Club's members.

SUBMIT YOUR STORY... If you have a news story about yourself, please submit it! Include photographs and text if possible, or at least a reference to a web site where information may be found.

Richard Frankfurt elected Honorary Life Member, 30th May 2012

Richard Frankfurt

Honorary Life Member

At the Annual General Meeting of May 30th 2012, Richard Frankfurt was elected Honorary Life Member for services to the club.

Richard, as owner of "Richard Frankfurt Photographic Ltd", has supported our Annual Exhibitions for many years. Without his support, Croydon would not have been able to view the Club's work so frequently, and in such a prestigeous gallery as the Fairfield Halls. Thank you Richard.

Richard Frankfurt Photographic Ltd

Rex Bamber FRPS elected Honorary Life President, 30th May 2012

Rex Bamber FRPS

Honorary Life President

At the Annual General Meeting of May 30th 2012, Rex Bamber FRPS was elected Honorary Life President for services to the club. The following speech was made by Mr Stuart Pickford.

It is with much pleasure, on behalf of your Council, I propose that Rex Bamber FRPS be elected as Honorary Life President.

As a Life Member myself, I know this distinction is not given lightly, but reserved for those of us who have given exemplary service to Croydon Camera Club over many years, and it is fitting that Rex should be honoured by being elected Life President.

Rex was a well known and respected professional photographer before he happened to visit our Centenary Exhibition in 1990, and was so interested in what he saw, that a month later he became a member, and ten years later he became our longest serving President.

Prior to retirement, Rex enjoyed a long career in the world of photography in its widest possible sense. He joined the RAF in 1941, serving for five years as a photographer. From then to his retirement in his early 70s, he covered a wide range of commercial photographic work, including photographing royal weddings, fashion, celebrities, and food.

At every opportunity after joining the Club, Rex has passed on to club members and others, the benefit of his experience and expertise.

Rex is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and has served on their assessment panels. He is a very experienced photographic judge, and is in much demand to judge competitions at all levels, and in so doing has been a great ambassador for Croydon Camera Club.

Rex has always taken part in Club competitions and has had his name engraved 35 times on various club trophies.

Throughout his long membership, Rex has made an enormous personal contribution to the running of the organisation. In always seeking to uphold its aims and objectives, he has been instrumental in encouraging improvement and excellence in the work produced by the members.

Rex is held in the highest regard by everyone associated with the club, and is considered one of our greatest assets.

The proposal is "To elect Rex Bamber as Honorary Life President" and, to copy a well worn phrase, "I commend this proposition to the house".

Thank you.

Stuart Pickford APAGB

Rex Bamber with Stuart Pickford
Rex Bamber (left) with Stuart Pickford (Right)

The SPA Exhibition April 2012

SPA Exhibition  

Mark Monckton
Bill Yates
The Surrey Photographic Association (SPA) 2012 Exhibition of prints and projected digital images (PDIs) is held at:
    The Guildford House Gallery
    155 High Street
    26 March - 23 April 2012
    Open 10.00 to 16.45 Tuesday to Saturday
    (Gallery not open Sunday or Monday)

Although the exhibition is over, you can still view some of the supurb entries by reviewing the Exhibition Catalogue.

Take a look at Mark Monckton's "Glistening Ink caps" on page 11 and "Porcelain Fungus" on page 27, as well as Bill Yates' "Cat with abn Issue" page 20.

The catalogue contains many STUNNING photographs.

SPA InterClub Digital Championship, November 2011

SPA InterClub PDI Championship Results

The SPA Annual Projected Digital Image (PDI) Championships took the form of a 1 day event.

The PDI Championship was run in conjunction with the SPA AGM in November 2011.

11th August to 12th September 2010: Wally Conquy and Nina Ludwig Exhibition

A selling exhibition by Wally Conquy and Nina Ludwig

Wednesday 11th August
Sunday 12th September
A selling exhibition by Nina Ludwig and Walter Conquy of landscape, abstract, architectural and floral studies. All available to buy as limited edition prints, framed or mounted.

Honeywood Museum by Carshalton Ponds
Honeywood Walk,

Telephone: 020 8770 4297
Registered Charity No. 1067131

March 2010, SPA Golden Jubilee Success!

Roy King, Mike Farley and Mark Monckton all had images accepted in the Surrey Photographic Association biennial exhibition, which this year also marks SPA’s golden jubilee. Mark did particularly well as he gained a PAGB ribbon, which requires an exceptionally high standard to win, in addition to a highly commended award. Roy had four pictures accepted and Mike two.

Given that the area SPA covers extends well beyond Surrey, the number and standard of the photographers in clubs affiliated to the Association, and the gallery has only sufficient space to hang around 200 prints, that represents a good showing.

Mark Monckton ARPS CPAGB, had 3 Nature Prints accepted:
   * Alder Moth (Acronicta alni)
   * Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina)
   * Hen of the Woods Grifola frondosa, which received a PAGB Ribbon Selectors Award.

Mark also had 4 Nature Digital Projected Images accepted:
   * Monkey Orchid (Orchis simia)
   * Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera)
   * Man Orchid Detail (Orchis anthropophora)
   * Green-veined Orchid (Anacamptis morio) which received a Highly Commended Certificate

Roy King ARPS pictures were:
   * Three Weeks Work
   * Wet Paint
   * Phone Home
   * Father And Child

Mike Farley LRPS pictures were:
   * Shades
   * Harvest Mouse

The exhibition is being held at Guildford House, which is at 155 High Street, Guildford and runs from Saturday, 3 April 2010 to Saturday, 3 May 2010. Admission is free and opening times are Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00am to 4:45pm.

Roy King ARPS, Wet Paint Mike Farley LRPS, Shades
Roy King ARPS, Phone Home
Roy King ARPS, Father And Child Mike Farley LRPS, Harvest Mouse

Roy King ARPS, Three Weeks Work

9th September 2009, Mark Monckton ARPS Success!

On the 9th September 2009, Mark Monckton handed in a panel of 15 prints of Orchids to the Royal Photographic Society. Mark was successful and is now an Associate of the RPS.

March 2009, Mark Monckton's Croydon Camera Club on Flickr

Mark Monckton has set up a Flickr Group for Croydon Camera Club.

Members can Join the Flickr group and post images. Only Croydon Camera Club members can join this group.

See Mark for details.

14th February 2009, "Amateur Photographer": London To Brighton Veteran Car Run

Michael Day, David Smith and Peter Advrados featured in this weeks Amateur Photographer "Reader Masterclass" feature: London To Brighton Veteran Car Run.

Their task was to photograph the cars. Each had press passes from the Royal Automobile Club, allowing them free reign. Each was given a Samsung GX-20 for the day with a choice of two lenses; an 18-25mm wide angle, and a 50-200mm telephoto zoom. The person who took the "strongest picture of the day" got to keep their camera!

Bob Barclay, AP's expert and guide, said: "..they embraced the different techniques [of panning, subject blur, and zoom burst] and produced images with flair. Motion blur involves experimentation, but after dipping their toes in the water at the start, by the end all three were Olympic swimmers."

27 November 2008: "Jacks Jug"

Roy King, Phone Home Roy King, Father And Child
On Thursday 27 November 2008, the Federation of South London Photographic Societies had their annual competition for the best digital image from their members. The competition is for a trophy called "Jacks Jug" and was judged by Marcus Scott-Taggart.

Croydon Camera Club had a very successful evening.

Of the 148 images submitted, the Trophy winner was Roy King's image "Phone Home". Five certificates were awarded; one to Mark Monckton for "Bee Orchid" and another to Roy King for "Father And Child"

November 2008: Mark Monckton LRPS

Mark Monckton has had 3 images accepted in the RPS 2008 International Projected Image Exhibition; 2 digital images (Monkey Orchid, Man Orchid Detail) and 1 slide (Mycena Crocata). For more information, visit the Royal Photographic Society web site.

April 2008: Mark Monckton LRPS

Mark Monckton's print 'Tulip' has been selected for the RPS' 151st International Print Exhibition 2008. There was a 23% increase in entries this year. Five judges viewed nearly 3,000 prints and an exhibition of 124 prints was selected.

19th April 2008: Federation of South London Photographic Societies Finals Day

There was great success for Croydon at The Federation of South London Photographic Societies (FSLPS) Finals Day. View the Croydon Camera Club Results to find who won Trophies and Bowls, as well as a list of certificate winners. Prints and slides are represented, and Croydon did well in all categories.

12th February 2008: Michael Day, "Amateur Photographer"

Michael Day is one of three readers to take part in this week's "Amateur Photographer" Reader Assignment Competition. Each person uses a Samsung GX10, and the shot of the day wins its author a GX10. Mike took the judge’s favourite shot, but it did not win!

The assignment was held during a weekend last month, in the City of London. The brief was to capture an image that summed up the world of the commuter trapped in the office, and only allowed out at the weekend. The article says that all three participants rose to the challenges. Four of Mike's shots were used in the article, which was more than either of the other participants!

Michael Day Michael Day Michael Day Michael Day Michael Day

January-March 2008: Mark Monckton Exhibition, Croydon Library

Mark Monckton has an Exhibition entitled "Wildlife and Nature Photography".

   Clocktower Café
   Katharine Street

   Tuesday 8th January
   Monday 3rd March 2008

January 2008: RPS Colour Group Exhibition, Fairfield Halls

Roy King, Daybreak
Roy King, Sunlight
The Royal Photographic Society Colour Group has an Exhibition at the Fairfield Halls. There are entries from Club members Bill Yates and Roy King. These photographs are displayed in the main corridor.

   Fairfield Halls
   Park Lane

   Monday 7th January
   Saturday 2nd February 2008

January 2008: Ashley Shepherd, "Photography Monthly"

Ashley Shepherd, File Rename

Ashley Shepherd has written a batch file-renaming utility that is featured in the January 2008 edition of "Photography Monthly". Turn to the "Questions and Answers" section on page 162, and read "Saving woes". Better still, download the program yourself.

December 2007: Mike Farley Wins LBVCR Photography Competition

Mike Farley, Brighton or Bust

Mike Farley has been named as the overall winner of the 2007 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (LBVCR) Photographer of the Year competition, beating over 200 hopeful photographers with an inspired portrait of grit and determination entitled ‘Brighton or Bust!’ As the overall winner Mike will take his place as a participant on the world’s longest running motoring event on Sunday 2 November 2008 when he will be a passenger on one of the 500 participating pre 1905 veteran cars.

Mike’s winning image is of Mr. Richard Hounslow from Salisbury driving his 107-year old American built Mobile Spindle-seat runabout, which was one of the 19 steam powered veteran cars entered. In the view of the judges the look of determination on Mr. Hounslow’s face summed up the spirit of the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run, underlining the dedication and commitment of all the 500 participants in preparing and driving a 100 year old car a gruelling 60-miles from London to Brighton for the enjoyment of the estimated 500,000 spectators that turn out to watch every year.

The article can be seen in full at Amateur Photographer magazine, as well as at London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (LBVCR). The LBVCR web site has lots more about the Brighton Car Run, so prepare for next year!

September 2007: Moira Riddell voted one of the top UK Photographers

Moira Riddell, Pace

Moira Riddell has been voted one of the top UK Photographers, for her photograph "Pace". In a UK wide competition held by the Daily Telegraph with David Bailey, Moira successfully entered the top 40 elite.

Read the Article in the Daily Telegraph.

You can see the other contestants in full, including Moira's photograph, in a slide show of all their work.