Croydon Camera Club
Croydon Camera Club

The Club Rules


Issued 28th March 2012



You may download a PDF copy of the Club Rules.




1.         NAME

1.1      The Club shall be called “Croydon Camera Club".

2.         OBJECTIVES

2.1      The objectives of the Club shall be to promote the general advancement and practice of all aspects of photography and to foster social relations between individual photographers, photographic Clubs and associated or affiliated umbrella organisations.

3.         MEMBERS

3.1      Membership shall be open to all photographers and anyone interested in or connected with photography in any of its aspects.

4.         MEMBERSHIP

4.1       Membership shall start when the appropriate subscription has been paid (where applicable) and shall continue year-by-year until terminated by resignation, default, or expulsion (under Rules 6 or 7). There shall be five categories of Membership:-

a) Full Membership (including Joint Full Membership - two named adults living in partnership at the same address):   Full Membership entitles the Member (or joint members) to all the privileges of the Club.

b) Student Membership:   Student Membership entitles the Member to all the privileges of the Club and is available to anyone aged 18 or over who is in full-time further or higher education.

c) Junior Membership:   Junior Membership entitles the Member to all the privileges of the Club, other than voting rights; and is available to anyone under the age of 18. All Junior Members under the age of 16 shall be accompanied at Club meetings or any other Club-related events by an adult who is responsible for that child and also a member of the club.

d) Corresponding Membership:   Corresponding Membership shall be open to anyone not resident in the Croydon area and entitles the Member to enjoy all the privileges of the Club except that attendance at Meetings shall be at the discretion of the Council and entry to monthly internal competitions shall not be permitted.

e) Honorary Life Membership:   Council shall, at its discretion, nominate Members and others for Honorary Life Membership for services rendered to the Club, to be ratified either at the following Annual General Meeting or at a specially convened Special General Meeting. Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of full Club Membership without liability for subscription.


5.1       Annual subscriptions shall be recommended by Council and approved at the next Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and shall be effective from a date to be determined at that Meeting.

5.2       Subscriptions shall become due on 1st April each year, for the 12 months to 31st March of the subsequent year.

5.3       New Members shall pay a full year's subscription when joining. This first subscription shall cover a proportioned part of the year of joining and the remaining part shall be credited towards the next full year's subscription, due 1st April.

6.         ARREARS

6.1       The Treasurer shall request payment, within one month, of all subscriptions not received by 31st July of the subscription year, unless otherwise directed by the Council. Where payment has not been received by 31st August, the person in default shall cease to be a Member of the Club.

7.         EXPULSION

7.1       The Council shall be empowered to recommend that the Membership of any Member be rescinded if it considers that such Membership is detrimental to the interests of the Club. Any such recommendation shall be ratified at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose and voted upon by a majority of not less than two-thirds of those present having voting rights.


8.1       Names, addresses and other contact details of all Club Members, and the date of receipt of all subscriptions, shall be kept by the Treasurer or another appointed Member of the Council.

9.        GROUPS

9.1       The Council shall be empowered to appoint Members (Organisers) to organise Groups within the Club, subject to such Rules as the Council may decide. These Organisers shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of any such Group and shall report back to Council on Group activities and outcomes, as determined by the Council.


10.1    Management of the Club shall be vested in a Council consisting of:-

a)      the Officers of the Club, namely: the Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Programme Secretary;


b)      five ordinary Council Members;


all to be elected at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rule 14 plus any additional Members co-opted under rule 10.4.


10.2.     All Council Members shall serve for one year, after which they may offer themselves for immediate re-election to the same or another Council position, save that no Officer shall be re-elected to the same position for more than three consecutive years, unless otherwise determined by Council.


10.3.     The quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be three Officers and two ordinary Council Members. A minimum of seven days’ notice of all Council meetings shall be given, except when the full Council is either present or contacted at short notice and unanimously consents to an immediate meeting.


10.4.     The Council shall have powers to co-opt Members of the Club as additional Council Members for specific duties should the need arise and may fill any Council vacancies occurring before the next Annual General Meeting by co-option.


10.5.     The Council may form committees with such power as it may decide. The Officers shall be ex-officio Members of such Committees and shall be entitled to be present at their meetings. Adequate notice of the committee meetings shall, in all cases, be given to the Honorary Secretary.


10.6.     The Council shall have all necessary powers to provide suitable Club premises and everything reasonably necessary for carrying on the Club's activities and functions in accordance with its objectives and these Rules.


10.7.     Each year the Council shall, at its first formal meeting following the AGM, elect a Council Member to serve as Vice-Chairman who, in the absence of the Chairman, shall occupy the Chairman’s place and have such power for the time being.

11       TRUSTEES

11.1     There shall be three Trustees of the Club. The first Trustees shall be appointed by the Council. The property of the Club (other than moveable chattels, monies on deposit or current account with the Club's Bankers and cash-in-hand which shall be controlled in a manner decided by the Council) shall be vested in the Trustees, to be dealt with by them as the Council shall from time to time direct by Resolution. The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the said Club property.


11.2     The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by a Resolution of the Council. If, by reason of death, or any such removal or resignation, it shall appear necessary to the Council that a new Trustee or Trustees shall be appointed, or if the Council shall deem it expedient to appoint an additional Trustee or additional Trustees, the Council shall by Resolution nominate the person or persons to be appointed the new Trustee or Trustees.


11.3     For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination(s) the Chairman is hereby nominated as the person to appoint the new Trustee or Trustees of the Club within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustee Act 1925; and he / she shall, by deed, duly appoint the person or persons so nominated by Council as the new Trustee or Trustees of the Club and the provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any such appointment.

Any statement of fact in any such deed of appointment shall, in favour of a personal dealing bona fide and for value with the Club or the Council, be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.



12.1    The venue, frequency, day, and time for ordinary Club Meetings shall be as determined by Council.


13.1    Upon the requisition of 10 or more Members, or at the instance of Council, the Honorary Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting. Written notice of the meeting, stating the reason why such meeting is called, shall be provided to each Member by the Honorary Secretary within 28 days of such requisition and not less than 28 days prior to the fixed date. Fifteen Members, including any Council Members present, shall form a quorum at Special General Meetings.



14.1    An Annual General Meeting shall be held on the date of the last scheduled club Meeting in May each year. At such Annual General Meeting, the business to be transacted shall be:

·  Reading of the Notice convening the Meeting;

·  Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meetings held since that Annual General Meeting;

·  Report from Council;

·  Honorary Treasurer's Report and Examined Accounts for the previous Financial year ended 31st March;

·  Election of the Council in the following order:

Chairman; Honorary Treasurer; Honorary Secretary; Honorary Programme Secretary; Five Ordinary Councillors;

·  Election of an Honorary Examiner;

·  Any other relevant business.

14.2    Written notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be provided to each Member by the Honorary Secretary not less than 28 days prior to the fixed date.

14.3    Fifteen Members, including Members of Council, shall form a quorum at the Annual General Meeting.

14.4    A statement of the attendance of Members at Council Meetings during the previous 12 months shall be exhibited on the Club notice board 14 days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.

14.5    Members of the Council who have failed to attend a minimum 50 per cent of Council meetings in the previous 12 months shall be ineligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting, unless the Council determines otherwise.

14.6    All nominations for election to the Council shall be proposed by a Club Member, seconded by another Club Member subject to the consent of the nominee and delivered to the Honorary Secretary not less than seven days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

14.7    Only Full Members or Joint Full Members of the Club, and subject to Rule14.5 above, shall be eligible for election or nomination for Council posts.

14.8    If more than one member is nominated for any Office, or if more than five shall be nominated as Ordinary Councillors, a ballot shall be held. The result shall be determined by a simple majority of those present and voting.

14.9    The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting may, if he thinks necessary, permit the nominations for any of the Council posts, to be handed in during the evening of the Meeting.

15.      CHAIRMAN

15.1.   The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Council except in the case of Group meetings where an Organiser has been appointed by the Council to conduct such meetings. This latter provision shall not exclude the Chairman from presiding at such Group meetings on such occasions as may, in the Chairman's and/or Council's opinion, be necessary.


15.2    In the absence of the Chairman for any period during a Club or Council meeting, the Vice-Chairman shall exercise the Chairman’s powers as necessary. In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, temporary or otherwise, another Officer of the Club, if present, shall assume responsibility for the conduct of the meeting. If no Officer of the Club is present, such responsibility shall rest with an ordinary Member of Council.


16.       CASTING VOTE

16.1    On all occasions, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have the casting vote.



17.1    All suggested new Rules, or alterations and additions to the existing Rules, must be proposed by four Members or more and must reach the Honorary Secretary not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. The Honorary Secretary shall provide written notice of the proposals to each Member at least 14 days prior to the said meeting. New Rules, alterations and additions to the existing Rules shall be approved at the Meeting by two-thirds of those present and with voting rights.



18.1    The Council shall have the power to interpret these Rules if there should be any ambiguity or difference of opinion concerning the purport or intention of any Rule. The Council shall have the power to deal with any matters not provided for in these Rules.


19.1    Any person joining the Club hereby assents to and agrees to be bound by these Rules and to such alterations and additions thereto as may be agreed upon by Council and Members from time to time in accordance with Rule 18 above.