Croydon Camera Club
Croydon Camera Club

Croydon Camera Club History: 1890-2000

A War Retrospective
A War Retrospective

Whilst the war with Japan still continued, the return of peace in Europe, easier travel and the abolition of the black-out brought a revival of aspirations and there was no longer a feeling of just keeping the Club together. One could now look forward to the Club becoming more active on behalf of its 110 members.

Before, therefore, we enter the revival of photography after the War, we should look at the Club as it was five years ago and see how it shaped up during the War years.

We started with a president who had been in office since 1919 with a two year break in 1931/32, and a Treasurer and Secretary still holding office. It was the custom to make a record of each meeting and to read the record and sign it at the commencement of the following meeting. The Speakers came from many parts of the South and for most they were illustrating experimental material of which there was a great variety. Membership was drawn from a wide area, numbering 113. The subscription was 15/-d - the same as it had been since 1922.

We now start with 1946 with a President of two years in office and the requirement to keep a record not rigidly enforced. Speakers are local due to travel difficulties and most experimental processes ceased and would not be revived as wartime efforts have produced something better. Travel lectures were almost non-existent or of pre-War vintage, and manufacturers were in no position to vie with each other for custom as all Continental sources of material had dried up. It was essentially a do-it-yourself and buy British attitude for the residual membership of 117, paying a reduced subscription of 5/-d.

With films and paper becoming more readily available (though still not on open sale) and no restrictions on photography except for military installations, the stage is set for either survival, revival or extinction. So what of the next 10 years?