Croydon Camera Club
Croydon Camera Club
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What's On This Season    2015-2016

Each season, beginning in September, there are lectures, competitions, and exhibitions. This is what we have planned for the current season.

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Year-Month Day What's On Description
1508052015 August 05 NO MEETING NO MEETING
Summer Break. Meet again Wednesday 2nd September

1508122015 August 12 NO MEETING NO MEETING
Summer Break. Meet again Wednesday 2nd September

1508192015 August 19 NO MEETING NO MEETING
Summer Break. Meet again Wednesday 2nd September

1508262015 August 26 NO MEETING NO MEETING
Summer Break. Meet again Wednesday 2nd September

1509022015 September 02 Member's Evening Member's Evening: First Night Back
Chairman’s evening - with 2015 awards.
Chairman Tom Sherrin
A short SGM will be held to ratify the position of Honorary General Secretary.

1509092015 September 09 Lecture "South Africa: Images and Techniques"
Paul Adams

1509162015 September 16 Trophy Competition Monochrome Print Competition
Judge: Steve Lawrenson
The winner will hold the Bamber Trophy for one year. The Competition is for PRINTS only.

1509232015 September 23 Member's Evening Choosing Club SLF Panels (Colour + Monochrome).

1509302015 September 30 Member's Evening Members image critique. An evening for members to bring in their own images for critique by other members.

1510072015 October 07 Print Competition Print Competition 1
Judge: Darren Pullman

1510142015 October 14 Digital Competition Digital Competition 1
Judge: Robin Hills ARPS
(Please send your entries to the Competition Organiser)

1510212015 October 21 Lecture "A journey around Spitzbergen"
Lecturer: John Nathan

1510212015 October 21 SLF Competition SLF Colour Print Competition at Cheam

1510262015 October 26 SLF Competition MONDAY: SLF Print Competition at South London

1510282015 October 28 Member's Evening Members Evening: Practical Studio Lighting with Barry Wilcox

1511022015 November 02 Digital Competition MONDAY: SLF Digital Competition at Aperture Woolwich

1511042015 November 04 Member's Evening Members Evening - Introduction to Photoshop Elements by Paul Heester

1511112015 November 11 Print Competition Print Competition 2
Judge: Royston Williamson

1511182015 November 18 Lecture "Travel And My Photography"
Lecturer: Jason Wharam

1511212015 November 21 Member's Evening Saturday Club Annual Dinner. Venue to be Announced.

1511252015 November 25 SLF Competition Wednesday SLF Colour Print competition
Judge: Marcus Scott-Taggart
** Note: The match is at CROYDON **

1512022015 December 02 Member's Evening Members Evening - Practical Still Life and Lighting by Tom Sherrin

1512092015 December 09 Digital Competition Digital Competition 2
Judge: David Smith
(Please send your entries to the Competition Organiser)

1512162015 December 16 Lecture "High Arctic North/South Antarctic"
Lecturer: Jeff Penfold

1512232015 December 23 NO MEETING NO MEETING

1512302015 December 30 NO MEETING NO MEETING

1601062016 January 06 Member's Evening A review of our outing to the Peak District, led by Paul Heester

1601132016 January 13 Print Competition Print Competition 3
Judge: David Harford

1601202016 January 20 Lecture "A Guide to Landscape Photography"
Lecturer: Derek Forse

1601272016 January 27 Digital Competition Digital Competition 3
Judge: Paul Adams
(Please send your entries to the Competition Organiser)

1601272016 January 27 Annual Exhibition Annual Exhibition:
Last day to submit entry forms for the exhibition.

1602032016 February 03 Member's Evening Member's Evening: Nina Ludwig talks about her photography.

1602102016 February 10 Annual Exhibition Annual Exhibition:
Last day to submit images for the exhibition.

1602102016 February 10 Print Competition Print Competition 4
Judge: David Mendus

1602142016 February 14 Annual Exhibition Annual Exhibition:
Sunday Judging of the exhibition images by Kirsty Ralfs.

1602172016 February 17 Digital Competition Digital Competition 4
Judge: Mick White
(Please send your entries to the Competition Organiser)

1602242016 February 24 Member's Evening Member's Evening: Surrealism and Abstracts by Wally Conquy

1603022016 March 02 Trophy Competition Nature Competition
Judge: David Lloyd
Annual competition for the David Eaves Trophy.

1603092016 March 09 Lecture "Creative Photoshop"
Lecturer: Jack Casement ARPS

1603112016 March 11 Subscriptions Your club membership subscription is due for renewal 1st April.

1603162016 March 16 Print Competition Print Competition 5
Judge: Clive Tanner

1603232016 March 23 NO MEETING NO MEETING

1603302016 March 30 Trophy Competition The "Croydon Centenary Trophy" SLF Competition
Our annual inter-club invitation fixture for prints and digital images.
Judge: Andy Smith

1604012016 April 01 Subscriptions Your club membership subscription is due for renewal TODAY.

1604032016 April 03 Annual Exhibition (Sunday)
All PHOTO 2016 Exhibitors to attend the Clocktower Cafe to setup their exhibit. Meet at 10:00am to hang your pictures.

1604042016 April 04 Annual Exhibition Annual Exhibition Opens Today
1604062016 April 06 Digital Competition Digital Competition 5
Judge: Gerald Kitiyakara
(Please send your entries to the Competition Organiser)

1604132016 April 13 Annual Exhibition Exhibition Feedback and Certificate Presentations
Judge: Kirsty Ralfs

1604152016 April 11 Subscriptions Your club membership subscription WAS due for renewal 1st April.

1604202016 April 20 Member's Evening Member's Evening: Aerial photography by Rose Atkinson

1604272016 April 27 Lecture "How to Prepare an AV presentation"
Ray Bridges

1604302016 April 30 Annual Exhibition (Saturday)
Last day of PHOTO 2016.

1605012016 May 01 Annual Exhibition (Sunday)
Exhibitors to attend the Clocktower Cafe to collect their exhibits.

1605042016 May 04 Trophy Digital Competition of The Year
Judge: Roger Mendham
(Please send your entries to the Competition Organiser)

1605052016 May 05 Subscriptions Your club membership subscription WAS due for renewal 1st April.

1605112016 May 11 Lecture "Australia: The outback and beyond"
Lecturer: Ann Beauchamp


1605252016 May 25 Member's Evening Members Evening – An opportunity for critique on images for competitions, exhibitions, RPS or PAGB purposes. Members should aim to bring a selection of their work to the club e.g. 6 images.
Wally Conquy & Tom Sherrin

1606012016 June 01 Lecture My Digital Doings - An Illustrated talk
Ray Bridges

1606082016 June 08 Trophy Print of the Year Competition - Duthoit Cup.
Judge: Royston Williamson.

1606152016 June 15 Lecture Starting in Wildlife - Mick gives suggestions on how to start creating beautiful wildlife photographs.
Mick White

1606222016 June 22 Member's Evening Talking Pictures
Mike Farley

1606292016 June 29 Practical Practical Model Evening with a professional model. (Bring a camera).
Robin Hills ARPS.

1607062016 July 06 Lecture Photoshop - A few Surprises.
Jack Casement.

1607132016 July 13 Trophy Master Trophy Competition – Subject ‘My Town’. Must be new work.
Judge: Clive Tanner.

1607202016 July 20 Member's Evening Street Photography.
Graham Land.

1607272016 July 27 Member's Evening Club Annual BBQ - At Wally and Hilary’s. Please bring plates/cutlery and chairs. More details to follow nearer to the time.
Conquy Residence.

1608032016 August 03 No Meeting Summer Break. The new season starts 7th September.

1608102016 August 10 No Meeting Summer Break. The new season starts 7th September.

1608172016 August 17 No Meeting Summer Break. The new season starts 7th September.

1608242016 August 24 No Meeting Summer Break. The new season starts 7th September.

1608312016 August 31 No Meeting Summer Break. The new season starts 7th September.

1609072016 September 07 Lecture Start of new season – CHAIRMAN’S EVENING.
Tom Sherrin.